Personal Growth

Christmas Holidays at Home: 5 Ways to Make It More Enjoyable

Most of us have been spending this December in lockdown, away from family and friends. This year’s holidays will differ from our usual Christmas experience in many ways.

Even if social distancing is forcing us to stay at home, keeping the holiday spirit alive makes the whole situation a little more bearable.

The next five simply satisfying ideas will lift your 2020 Christmas mood.

Start with yourself

Christmas in pajamas? Sign me up. This year nobody has to feel guilty for snuggling up on the sofa or staying in bed.

Nowhere to go to, no place to be. It actually doesn’t sound so bad.

Grab a cup of hot chocolate, take a long warm bath, indulge in a great book, whatever your heart desires. This is the time for you.

Relive old memories

Remember how excited you were for Christmas as a kid? Santa was real, all lights were brighter, candy tasted better. Seems like everything about Christmas is better when you are 7. 

Why not take a little walk down memory lane?

Whatever you can get your hands on, old family photos, ancient VHS tapes (your dad has them, all dads do ?), or paper decorations you made for your mom twenty years ago. All those sweet memories will bring a smile to your face.


Stay in touch

Whether you have the opportunity to spend these holidays with your family or had to postpone your visit until better times come around, make sure your loved ones feel loved.

Christmas family gathering over Zoom may feel weird. However, it’s about making everyone feel appreciated during these odd times. Call, text, send a card. Let people know you’re thinking of them.

Just a heads-up, it may get emotional.

Cherish the Christmas tradition

Gifts and excessive decoration? That’s not the real meaning of Christmas. 

Regardless of how true that is, 2020 hasn’t given us a lot of reasons to celebrate. So, if you’re planning to go overboard with the lights this holiday season, I’m right there with you. Or maybe you want to sign up for an online writing class? Go for it.

Of course, you can do something nice for yourself and others without breaking the bank. Choose whatever matters most to you right now.

Share & Give

Don’t forget that there are people who don’t have access to basic life necessities you and I sometimes take for granted.

The pandemic has left people homeless, unemployed, and desperate. Find organizations in your local community that care for people in need. Donate food, clothes, toys, or medical supplies.

If you’re able to give some of your money to charity, you’re helping a noble cause.  

All ideas on spending an enjoyable Christmas in 2020 are in the infographic below. Have a Merry One! ?







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